The Cloaked Anomaly

This the start of a long term project ...

The game is going to be 2D platformer in which the core mechanic is a where the special controls come in the form of a 'dice' that you need to turn to use the specific ability and thus will make the game fast-paced button mashing speed runner. I came up with the idea, originally for the GMTK Game Jam 2022, where the theme was 'Roll of the Dice' but ended up no going with the idea because I couldn't finish in time however now I am pursuing this idea, in the form of a playable prototype to see if the idea is even worth reaching for. 

My Plans If I Fail

if the idea doesn't seem fun then I will repurpose the project to a new idea. Even though the idea doesn't come to reality, I will have at least have made a platformer controller that I am happy with and can use in the future for other projects, game jams and etc.

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